Philosophy Vision and Mission


“Producing Engineers, Creating Innovations, Developing Society”


“Producing professional engineers who are creative contributors to society”


“Producing leading-practice engineers, creating outstanding innovations in the region”


  1. Develop engineers with high entrepreneurial capabilities as a driving force for the country.
  2. Produce research, academic services, and creative cultural values that add economic value comprehensively (BCG).
  3. Create sustainable innovations and technologies for digital organizational development.
  4. Develop innovations and technologies to enhance business competitiveness and transform industries.


  1. Foster engineers and technologists with future-proof skills and entrepreneurial capabilities.
  2. Enhance quality research, academic services, and creative cultural values to generate commercial value.
  3. Establish digital organizations with expertise and modern management to adapt to changes.
  4. Drive innovations that enhance industrial and societal capabilities.


  1. Engineers and technologists as practitioners, entrepreneurial foundations ready to drive the country.
  2. Elevate research, academic services, and creative cultural values to boost industrial and societal sectors based on comprehensive economic development (BCG).
  3. Transform the engineering faculty into a digital organization.
  4. Drive business sectors with innovations to cultivate technology-based entrepreneurs and innovators.